Tool Steels

ریخته گری دقیق صنعت گستر

Tool Steels

There are a wide range of materials designed for cutting, punching and shaping other materials. Sanat Gostar makes tool steels with iron alloys containing 0.25 to 2.5% carbon and significant amounts of chromium, molybdenum, tungsten, vanadium, cobalt and smaller amounts of nickel. These combination is used to give parts the desired hardenability, hardness, strength, And wear resistance.
Tool Steels are made of carbon and alloy steels, which are commonly used for investment casting tools. These alloys are known for their high hardness and wear resistance, but they aren’t corrosion resistant. These tools include several different groups of alloys, each with different levels of strength, surface hardness, toughness, work temperature, and shock resistance.

We produce investment casting parts from all series of tool steels at Sanat Gostar.



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